Ready to Serve French Onion Soup with ParmesanCheddar Croutons Delicious Perfect

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Without Fail making recipe French Onion Soup with ParmesanCheddar Croutons with 15 ingredients and 7 stages of easy cooking, which is tasty delicious.

Without fail recipe ultimate French Onion Soup with Parmesan/Cheddar Croutons easy, delicious, practical.

French Onion Soup with Parmesan/Cheddar Croutons

Hi mother, now you can prepare recipe French Onion Soup with Parmesan/Cheddar Croutons with 15 ingredients and 7 steps. Below this is how to make it, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are some stages that must be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand how to start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no appropriate desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 15 ingredients and 7 stages of easy cooking French Onion Soup with Parmesan/Cheddar Croutons.

Ingredients for French Onion Soup with Parmesan/Cheddar Croutons

  1. Needed 4 large : Yellow onions, finely sliced.

  2. Prepare 4 : Red onions, finely sliced.

  3. Needed 1 : Leek, finely sliced and washed.

  4. Prepare 5 clove : Garlic, minced.

  5. Prepare 40 grams : Butter.

  6. Needed 2 tbsp : Olive oil.

  7. Needed 1 : Dried bay leaf.

  8. Prepare 1 : bouquet garni of parsley, thyme and oregano.

  9. Prepare 1 3/4 : Litre, good quality chicken stock.

  10. Prepare 1 cup : Red wine.

  11. Needed 1 : Splash of cider vinegar.

  12. Needed 1 : Grated cheddar & Parmesan to serve.

  13. Needed 1 : Salt and pepper to taste.

  14. Needed 1 : French stick, sliced thickly diagonally.

  15. Prepare 1 : Grated cheddar and Parmesan.

If all main ingredients French Onion Soup with Parmesan/Cheddar Croutons it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with fast.

Stages Cooking French Onion Soup with Parmesan/Cheddar Croutons

  1. Slice all onions and leeks..

  2. Heat a large heavy base melt butter and add olive oil- high heat. Add onions and leek. You want to sweat down onions slowly for around and hour. Stir occasionally, and return lid so that it 3/4 covers pot- allowing steam to escape..

  3. You will have to turn temp down whilst cooking onions, you don't want to burn or over do them. Meanwhile, gather herbs and tie together with string to make bouquet garni..

  4. Deglaze pot with wine and vinegar. Add stock and herbs. Bring to the boil- reduce heat and simmer for a further 1/2 hour. Check and adjust seasoning if needed..

  5. Now to get croutons ready. Heat oven to 160*C. Slice French stick. Grate cheddar and Parmesan over bread. Grate extra cheese to add to soup..

  6. Bake until golden brown an cheese has melted. Remove and set aside..

  7. Serve soup in a bowl with a sprinkle of cheese and top with croutons. Yum!.

That’s it how easy make with set recipes French Onion Soup with Parmesan/Cheddar Croutons, you also can look for more recipes cuisine other interesting on page us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from cuisine healthy easy, tasty, and nutritious to culinary fatty, difficult, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our web. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe French Onion Soup with Parmesan/Cheddar Croutons.

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