Unique Recipe Spanish potato omelette Yummy

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The new way making recipe Spanish potato omelette with 5 ingredients and 11 stages of easy cooking, which is very easy.

Without fail making ultimate Spanish potato omelette easy, delicious, practical.

Spanish potato omelette

Hi mother, at this time you can prepare recipe Spanish potato omelette with 5 ingredients and 11 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are some level that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand how to start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not appropriate desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 5 ingredients and 11 stages of easy cooking Spanish potato omelette.

Ingredients for Spanish potato omelette

  1. Needed : potatoes.

  2. Prepare : eggs.

  3. Prepare : Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain.

  4. Prepare : Salt,.

  5. Needed : onion (optional)​.

If all basic ingredients Spanish potato omelette it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to making with without fail.

Process Cooking Spanish potato omelette

  1. Wash and cut the potatoes into very thin slices..

  2. Dice the onion (if you don’t like onion, you can skip this step and leave onion out of the recipe altogether).​.

  3. Mix the potatoes and onion together with a bit of salt.​.

  4. Heat a good amount of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain in a pan and, once hot, add the potatoes and onions. Fry them on a high heat for few minutes, then lower the temperature. Stir occasionally so that the potatoes don’t stick. Once the potatoes have taken on a golden-brown colour, remove the pan from the heat and drain the mixture.​.

  5. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt. Add the eggs to the potatoes and onion and mix well.​​.

  6. Heat two small tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain in a pan and add the egg, potato and onion mixture. As before, cook on a high heat for a few minutes, then lower the temperature right down so that the inside of the omelette can cook.​.

  7. When the omelette has finished cooking on one side, flip it over using a flat plate so that you can cook the other side..

  8. Put another two tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Spain in the pan and then return the omelette to the pan to fry the other side..

  9. When the omelette is golden brown on both sides, remove it from the heat. Now it's ready to eat! ​.

  10. You could serve it with a delicious mayonnaise and a little mustard. If you want to give your omelette an original and tasty touch, try adding a tablespoon of caramelized onion when beating the egg..

  11. And if you want the middle of your omelette to be creamier, try frying a few thin slices of courgette with the potatoes. You’ll really notice a difference! We recommend you serve this recipe with Fruits of the Forest Pudding which is also made using Olive Oils from Spain..

Like that how easy make with set recipes Spanish potato omelette, you also do look for more recipes cuisine other interesting on site us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from cuisine healthy fast, tasty, and nutritious to culinary fatty, difficult, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our site. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe Spanish potato omelette.

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