Easy Prepare Recipe Thai Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers Delicious Simple

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update, how preparing recipe Thai Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers with 6 ingredients and 11 stages of easy cooking, which is most delicious.

Without fail making ultimate Thai Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers easy, tasty, practical.

Thai Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers

Hi all, at this time you can prepare recipe Thai Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers with 6 ingredients and 11 steps. Next this is how to make it, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are several levels that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand system start from beginning to culinary is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not appropriate desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 6 ingredients and 11 stages of easy cooking Thai Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers.

Ingredients for Thai Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers

  1. Prepare : Burgers cooked your way.

  2. Prepare : Bacon.

  3. Prepare : Cheese of your choice.

  4. Prepare : Buns.

  5. Needed : Peanut Butter.

  6. Prepare : Thai/chili sauce (spicy, spicy, spicy).

If all basic ingredients Thai Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to preparing with without fail.

Step by Step Cooking Thai Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburgers

  1. First, cook your bacon and burgers the way you like them. Following is a rediculous weekend shortcut that works for less mess and ultimately less work. Plus a cheeseburger topping trio that is stupid good….

  2. I cook my bacon in the oven. One large bacon sheet, I mean baking sheet (get it?), line a pound of bacon up like so….. I know you don't have to cook bacon a pound at a time, but you CAN so I DO :).

  3. Cook bacon at 350 to 375 degrees checking and turning after the first 10 minutes, and every 5 minutes there after until it's as crispy as you want it..

  4. Now here's where my Saturday work ethic kicks in… One already messy pan and a pile of burgers left to cook. A preheated oven… I did it, I confess… I cooled the pan for a couple minutes, plopped those uncooked patties on, and I cooked them in the oven..

  5. My modest little burgers didn't take long, and got flipped about halfway through. I can not help you with cooking time here, because I don't know your burger size or ingredients.. Sorry… Go for cooking temp based on how you like your burgers and with some consideration to safe cooking temps…. For mine it was less than 15 minutes..

  6. While those burgers cook… Butter your buns :).

  7. Hot, hot, hot skillet for a couple minutes and you've upgraded those bland store bought buns..

  8. Now here's where things get new and exciting for your burger world. First cheese, which is a duh and why is this woman wasting my time… But wait! Then comes…..

  9. Peanut butter and spicy Thai sauce. The red sauce here is our favorite brand of store bought Thai chili sauce. You want that sweet and spicy combo..

  10. Onto the sweet and spicy burger, put some salty bacon:).

  11. I didn't get a final pick, I was too excited about eating it! Hope you enjoy!.

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