How To Cooking Recipe Pizza Ziti Most Delicious

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The new way cooking recipe Pizza Ziti with 8 ingredients and 7 stages of easy cooking, which is very practical.

Without fail recipe ultimate Pizza Ziti easy, yummy, practical.

Pizza Ziti

Hi my mother, at this time you can make recipe Pizza Ziti with 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Next this is how to make it, please carefully carefully.

In cooking there are several level that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand system start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no appropriate desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 8 ingredients and 7 stages of easy cooking Pizza Ziti.

Ingredients for Pizza Ziti

  1. Prepare : penne pasta.

  2. Prepare : large (24 oz.) jar of Prego flavored with meat sauce (or your preferred tomato sauce).

  3. Prepare : shredded mozzarella cheese.

  4. Needed : pouch of pepperoni.

  5. Prepare : onion powder.

  6. Prepare : garlic powder.

  7. Needed : black pepper.

  8. Needed : Italian seasoning.

If all cooking materials Pizza Ziti it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to preparing with without fail.

Stages Cooking Pizza Ziti

    1. Preheat oven to 400. Bring water to a boil, then add penne. Cook until slightly undercooked and almost al dente..
    1. Strain the penne pasta. Grease a 9 by 13 pan with a little bit of vegetable oil or nonstick spray (Pam) to help with less sticking..
    1. I like to add spice to everything I cook, but season the sauce to your taste. It’s up to your preference to how you want to tweak it to your taste. Mix spices into the sauce and then pour over noodles, tossing together until thoroughly coated..
    1. Pour noodles into pan, then layer cheese and pepperoni on top. You can even do half the noodles and put a layer of cheese and pepperoni before adding the rest of the noodles and another layer of cheese and pepperoni on top if desired..
    1. Cover with foil if you prefer it more crisp. Cook in oven for 20-25 minutes..
    1. Let cool and serve. Garnish with parsley if desired..
  1. .

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