How To Serving Recipe Bento Series 2 Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta Delicious and Healthy

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update, how cooking recipe Bento Series 2 Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta with 11 ingredients and 9 stages of easy cooking, which is easy and delicious.

Without fail cooking ultimate Bento Series # 2 — Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta easy, delicious, practical.

Bento Series # 2 — Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta

Hi my mother, now you get prepare recipe Bento Series # 2 — Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta with 11 ingredients and 9 steps. Below this is how to make it, please read carefully.

In cooking there are several stages that must be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand system start from beginning to culinary is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and not is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 11 ingredients and 9 stages of easy cooking Bento Series # 2 — Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta.

Ingredients for Bento Series # 2 — Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta

  1. Needed : Parmesan cheese.

  2. Needed : goat cheese crumbled.

  3. Prepare : balls of burrata quartered (can substitute with mascarpone, ricotta, or mozzarella cheese).

  4. Prepare : Angel Hair pasta.

  5. Prepare : baby Portobella mushrooms.

  6. Needed : heavy cream.

  7. Needed : salt and pepper.

  8. Needed : chopped garlic (1 medium clove).

  9. Prepare : olive oil.

  10. Needed : chopped parsley for garnish and flavor.

  11. Needed : Optional – Cooked chicken or shrimp.

If all composition Bento Series # 2 — Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to cooking with relaxing.

Stages Cooking Bento Series # 2 — Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta

  1. In a pan sautee mushrooms with a little olive oil. DO NOT ADD SALT!.

  2. Tip #1: Mushrooms lose all their juices when they are introduced to salt so if you want them to get nice and browned, don’t add any salt until you are about to take them out..

  3. Tip #2: Mushrooms absorb all the oil at first, then release some with their juices. Don’t freak out if all the oil disappears when you add the mushrooms, it isn’t magic, you didn’t forget to add oil, the mushrooms are just very thirsty at first, they will release some of the oil soon enough..

  4. Take cooked mushrooms off the pan before they burn and set aside..

  5. Add garlic to the oil and sautee for a few seconds, you just want to heat it through to release its oils. Add the cream to the pan and stir. Set temperature to medium low..

  6. Meanwhile boil pasta per box instructions. Make sure you DON’T overcook. You actually want it a little under cooked since you will finish it in the sauce so subtract 1 minute from the al-dente cooking time. Something very important, as anyone on Food Network will tell you SALT THE WATER! Unsalted pasta is yucky, so grab a small fist of salt (about 3 Tbsp if you want to be technical) and fling it into that pot with all the determination of an Iron Chef!.

  7. While pasta boils add salt and pepper to the sauce (I know you are still pumped from that salt flinging bit a second ago, but here we have to exercise restraint!). Also add Parmesan cheese, goat cheese, and burrata. Stir in all the cheeses until sauce becomes nice and creamy..

  8. Add mushrooms and chicken (or shrimp) to sauce, just to warm through. Then add pasta to sauce. It is ok if some pasta water gets in the sauce. Stir until pasta and sauce are well combined. Let cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add parsley..

  9. Serve immediately. If packing in bento box, let it cool to room temperature before adding to box. Note: There might be some separation if microwaved. (Btw “separation” is when the sauce breaks and it looks like all the oil is running away from the other ingredients, this happens when the sauce gets too hot which is easy to happen in a microwave.) If you don’t want this to happen store food in a tightly sealed bento box at room temperature until you eat it. Preferably eat within five hours of ma.

That’s it formula easy make with fast recipes Bento Series # 2 — Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta, you also do look for more recipes cuisine other interesting on website us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from culinary healthy fast, tasty, and nutritious to cuisine fatty, difficult, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our page. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe Bento Series # 2 — Trois Fromage et Champignon Pasta.

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