Without Fail Cooking Recipe Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga LCHF Restaurant Style

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Without Fail making recipe Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga LCHF with 14 ingredients and 19 stages of easy cooking, which is most delicious.

Without fail making ultimate Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga (LCHF) easy, yummy, practical.

Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga (LCHF)

Hi all, at this time you get make recipe Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga (LCHF) with 14 ingredients and 19 steps. Below this is how to make it, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are several level that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand how to start from beginning to culinary is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 14 ingredients and 19 stages of easy cooking Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga (LCHF).

Ingredients all Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga (LCHF)

  1. Prepare 8 : free range chicken thighs (skinless & boneless).

  2. Prepare 16 slice : pancetta or smoked streaky bacon.

  3. Prepare 250 grams : Edam cheese.

  4. Prepare 1 tbsp : olive oil or bacon fat.

  5. Prepare : salt.

  6. Prepare : black pepper.

  7. Needed : braised rutabaga.

  8. Needed 1 medium : rutabaga.

  9. Needed 1 large : onion.

  10. Prepare : garlic powder.

  11. Prepare 1 1/2 pints : chicken stock (use homemade or good quality bought in stock).

  12. Needed 2 tbsp : unsalted butter.

  13. Prepare : salt.

  14. Needed : black pepper.

If all main ingredients Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga (LCHF) it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with without fail.

Stages Cooking Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga (LCHF)

  1. Using a big sturdy knife, carefully half the rutabaga by stabbing the knife into it and putting your weight down on the knife (keeping your fingers well out of the way) then remove the skin by placing it cut side down and paring away small pieces of the hard skin away in a downward action following the shape of the vegetable, along with any slightly green/lighter coloured parts beneath the skin. You should be left with only the inner yellow/orange part..

  2. Chop the rutabaga into bite size pieces..

  3. Peel and roughly chop the onion..

  4. In a large pot, add the rutabaga, onion, stock, garlic powder and butter..

  5. Bring the pot to the boil, put on a lid and cook for 20 minutes..

  6. Heat the oven to gas mark 6 (UK) / 200 C.

  7. Meanwhile, season both sides of the chicken thighs. Go easy with the salt, as the bacon could be salty!.

  8. Lay out a big piece of cling film and lay two pieces of bacon together for each chicken thigh. You may want to use the back of a heavy kife to stretch/flatten the bacon if it is thickly cut..

  9. Place the chicken thighs onto the bacon, outer (smooth) side of the thighs facing downwards..

  10. Place a piece of Edam cheese about the length and width of your thumb onto each chicken thigh, at the end nearest to you..

  11. Roll up the whole thing using the cling film to guide you and holding onto the ends of the bacon so it doesn't get rolled inside..

  12. Use two cocktail sticks per chicken thigh to secure the bacon in a criss cross..

  13. In a skillet/ frying pan, heat the oil or bacon fat over a medium heat..

  14. Brown the chicken thigh roll ups on all sides then place them in a roasting tin..

  15. Bake for 30 minutes, maybe longer if the thighs are on the large side (don't worry if the cheese melts, as the crispy bits are delicious with the saucy sauce!).

  16. Remove the lid from the rutabaga and turn the heat up a bit to let the stock reduce until it is almost gone (you will want some as it makes a sauce for the meal).

  17. Take the chicken out and when you are certain it's cooked through, rest it for a few minutes..

  18. Remove all the cocktail sticks..

  19. Serve two chicken thighs per (hungry) person with some rutabaga and stock/sauce..

Like that formula easy cook with practice recipes Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga (LCHF), you also can look for more recipes culinary other interesting on web us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from culinary healthy fast, tasty, and nutritious to culinary fatty, hard, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our page. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe Cheesy Bacon Chicken Thighs with Braised Rutabaga (LCHF).

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