Update, Cooking Recipe Mixed Vege with Tofu and Peanuts Delicious Nutritious

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Easy cooking recipe Mixed Vege with Tofu and Peanuts with 10 ingredients and 4 stages of easy cooking, which is tasty delicious.

Without fail making ultimate Mixed Vege with Tofu and Peanuts easy, fast, practical.

Mixed Vege with Tofu and Peanuts

Hi all, at this time you get make recipe Mixed Vege with Tofu and Peanuts with 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Below this is how to cook, please carefully carefully.

In cooking there are several level that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand how to start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and not is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not appropriate desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 10 ingredients and 4 stages of easy cooking Mixed Vege with Tofu and Peanuts.

Ingredients all Mixed Vege with Tofu and Peanuts

  1. Needed : Long beans.

  2. Prepare : Wood Ear / Black Fungus.

  3. Prepare : Shitake Mushroom.

  4. Needed : Sweet dried lettuce / Choy Po.

  5. Needed Cubes : Fried Tofu.

  6. Prepare : Fried Peanuts.

  7. Needed : Garlic diced.

  8. Needed : Ginger diced.

  9. Prepare : Onion diced.

  10. Prepare to taste : Salt n Pepper.

If all ingredients Mixed Vege with Tofu and Peanuts it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to preparing with fast.

Stages Cooking Mixed Vege with Tofu and Peanuts

  1. Soak shitake mushroom overnight. Discard water and cut into slices. Soak wood ear / blacl fungus till its enlarged and soft. Cut into small pieces..

  2. Cut long beans into small pieces. Cut fried tofu into small pieces. Cut some garlice, ginger and onions into small pieces..

  3. Heat up wok with 1tbsp oil and stir fry garlic, ginger and onion till aroma. Add in long beans, choy po / sweet lettuce and followed by mushroom. Sitr fry till soft and aromatic. Add some water to add moisture..

  4. Add in wood and stir fry till soft. Add in tofu and stir fry gently not to smear it. Sprinkle some salt and pepper to taste. Some add in oyster sauce as optional. Lastly add in peanuts and quicky toss a few rounds and serve. The dish should be dry and aromatic with veges and some nutty flavour..

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