Easy Recipe Pochero Practical Delicious

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Easy preparing recipe Pochero with 15 ingredients and 5 stages of easy cooking, which is delicious perfect.

Without fail making ultimate Pochero easy, yummy, practical.


Good Afternoon mother, at this time you get present recipe Pochero with 15 ingredients and 5 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please carefully carefully.

In cooking there are some stages that must be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and not is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 15 ingredients and 5 stages of easy cooking Pochero.

Ingredients all Pochero

  1. Prepare 1 : kilo pork cut into cubes.

  2. Prepare 50 g : cabbage (half a head) chopped.

  3. Needed 100 g : pechay or bok choy with the base cut.

  4. Needed 4 : ripe plantain bananas sliced.

  5. Needed 4 : potatoes or sweet potatoes cut into quarters.

  6. Prepare 6 : longyard beans cut in 2 inches.

  7. Needed 1 : big can pork and beans or chickpeas/garbanzos.

  8. Needed 2 links : chorizo (semi-cured Spanish sausage) quartered.

  9. Needed 1/2 cup : tomato sauce.

  10. Prepare 2 cups : water.

  11. Prepare 2 tablespoons : fish sauce.

  12. Prepare 4 cloves : garlic minced.

  13. Needed 1 : medium onion diced.

  14. Prepare : Cooking oil.

  15. Needed to taste : Salt and pepper.

If all raw materials Pochero it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to making with without fail.

Stages Cooking Pochero

  1. Heat pan and cook pork in oil for 30 minutes or until brown and tender. To lessen oil, you can also try using an air fryer to cook meat. Set aside..

  2. Using the same pan, add garlic until and cook light golden brown on low heat. Add onion and cook until translucent. Add potatoes and cook for about 5 minutes. Add chorizo and cook for another 5 minutes..

  3. Add sliced plantain bananas and water. Bring to a boil. Add pork and beans, fish sauce, tomato sauce, and cabbage. Simmer for 10 minutes..

  4. Add yardlong beans and pechay. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer for another 2-3 minutes. Turn off heat..

  5. Serve with steamed rice..

That’s it method easy cook with fast recipes Pochero, you also can look for more recipes cuisine other interesting on page us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from culinary healthy fast, tasty, and nutritious to cuisine fatty, difficult, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our page. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe Pochero.

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