Latest Recipe Swiss Chard With Pancetta Chilli And Penne Pasta Delicious Nutritious

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update, how preparing recipe Swiss Chard With Pancetta Chilli And Penne Pasta with 9 ingredients and 6 stages of easy cooking, which is delicious perfect.

Without fail making ultimate Swiss Chard With Pancetta, Chilli And Penne Pasta easy, fast, practical.

Swiss Chard With Pancetta, Chilli And Penne Pasta

Hi my mother, at this time you can present recipe Swiss Chard With Pancetta, Chilli And Penne Pasta with 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Next this is how to prepare, please carefully carefully.

In cooking there are several stages that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand system start from beginning to culinary is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and not is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 9 ingredients and 6 stages of easy cooking Swiss Chard With Pancetta, Chilli And Penne Pasta.

Ingredients for Swiss Chard With Pancetta, Chilli And Penne Pasta

  1. Prepare 250 grams : Artisan sausages.

  2. Prepare 1 : as needed Pancetta.

  3. Needed 1 : as needed Swiss chard leaves.

  4. Needed 1/2 cup : Diced onion.

  5. Prepare 1 clove : Garlic.

  6. Prepare 4 tbsp : Double cream.

  7. Prepare 1/2 tsp : Chilli flakes.

  8. Prepare 230 grams : Penne pasta.

  9. Prepare 1 : as needed Italian hard cheese.

If all material requirements Swiss Chard With Pancetta, Chilli And Penne Pasta it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to cooking with easy.

Stages Cooking Swiss Chard With Pancetta, Chilli And Penne Pasta

  1. Boil a large pan of hot water and add pinch of salt. Spread the Swiss chard leaves into thing strips. Dice the onion finally..

  2. Heat a the oil in a large pan on a medium heat. Cook off the onion and chopped garlic for 5 mins until soft. (Don't brown them off though as they will continue to cook through the next few steps..

  3. Peel off the sausage skins and discard them. Add the sausage meat and pancetta to the onion and garlic. With two wooden spoons, break apart the sausage meat until cooked through. Season with a pinch of salt and grind of pepper. Continue to cook for 15 mins..

  4. Cook the pasta in the boiling water until al dente..

  5. Drain of excess fat from the pan and add the cream and Swiss chard leaves. Add the chilli flakes to taste and season again if necessary. If you needs to loose the sauce, add some of the drained pasta water..

  6. Stir in the drain pasta and mix everything together. Serve with grate cheese and enjoy!.

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