Unique Recipe Gyro Burgers Delicious Steady

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Without Fail preparing recipe Gyro Burgers with 20 ingredients and 15 stages of easy cooking, which is bouncy delicious.

Without fail recipe ultimate Gyro Burgers easy, yummy, practical.

Gyro Burgers

Good Evening my mother, now you get prepare recipe Gyro Burgers with 20 ingredients and 15 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are some stages that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no appropriate desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 20 ingredients and 15 stages of easy cooking Gyro Burgers.

Ingredients for Gyro Burgers

  1. Prepare : ground lamb.

  2. Needed : ground chuck.

  3. Prepare : flat buns or pita pockets.

  4. Needed : tzatziki sauce ( more or less depends on how much u put on it).

  5. Prepare : tomato ( thin sliced).

  6. Prepare : white onion (thin sliced).

  7. Prepare : seasoning for meat:.

  8. Needed : season salt.

  9. Needed : brown sugar.

  10. Needed : dried oregano.

  11. Prepare : dried parsley.

  12. Prepare : dried mint.

  13. Needed : dried rosemary.

  14. Needed : garlic powder.

  15. Needed : onion powder.

  16. Prepare : dried tyme.

  17. Prepare : ground black pepper.

  18. Prepare : minced garlic.

  19. Needed : lemon pepper.

  20. Prepare : ground marjoram.

If all material requirements Gyro Burgers it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to cooking with fast.

Stages Cooking Gyro Burgers

  1. In a large bowl mix meats and all seasonings well with hands. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour..

  2. Heat grill, skillet or griddle..

  3. Make 10 nice big round patties. Like u normally would for burgers..

  4. (This is where I freeze any I won't need to make this evening) I also place a small hole in center of patty to help with puffing and shrinkage. About a small pinky size hole.).

  5. Cook burgers like u normally would. Leaving a tad pink in center but at a safe temp..

  6. Set burgers on a paper towel lined plate to remove excess grease (if u want to ).

  7. Warm pitas or flat buns for a few second in microwave..

  8. Assemble burgers by spreading some tzatziki sauce on each half of flatbuns..

  9. Place burger on one side..

  10. Place tomato and onion on top..

  11. Place other bun sauce side down..

  12. Serve hot and enjoy! :).

  13. Makes about 10 burgers depending on the size u make them..

  14. U can add other condiments on your burger, its also good with ketchup and pickles. :).

  15. Thanks given to bbqtvtv.com for his greek rub I used for this, also for taylor68too for her addition to the seasonings I used. And to skunkmonkey for the tzatziki sauce recipe I used for this. :).

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