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Without Fail preparing recipe Vegan Korean BBQ Burger with 29 ingredients and 10 stages of easy cooking, which is delicious perfect.

Without fail making ultimate Vegan Korean BBQ Burger easy, tasty, practical.

Vegan Korean BBQ Burger

Hi my mother, now you get make recipe Vegan Korean BBQ Burger with 29 ingredients and 10 steps. Next this is how to prepare, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are several level that must be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand system start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no appropriate desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 29 ingredients and 10 stages of easy cooking Vegan Korean BBQ Burger.

Ingredients for Vegan Korean BBQ Burger

  1. Prepare : Kimchi Ketchup:.

  2. Prepare : Kimchi, 2 Cabbages.

  3. Prepare : Tomato Ketchup, 2 Heaped TBSP.

  4. Needed : @chillibellasg's Korean Chili Paste / Gochujang, 2 Heaped TBSP Adjust To Preference.

  5. Prepare : Maple Syrup Preferable Grade 'A', 2 Heaped TBSP Adjust To Preference.

  6. Prepare Pinch : Nori Flakes,.

  7. Needed : Fresh Lemon Zest, 1/4 Lemon.

  8. Needed : Fresh Lemon Juice, 1/4 Lemon.

  9. Needed : Korean BBQ Sauce:.

  10. Prepare 4 TBSP : Maple Syrup Preferable Grade 'A',.

  11. Prepare 1 Dash : Liquid Smoke,.

  12. Needed 4 TBSP : Vegan-Friendly Soy Sauce / Tamari,.

  13. Needed 1 TBSP : Rice Wine / Mirin,.

  14. Needed 1 TBSP : Sesame Oil,.

  15. Prepare Pinch : Garlic Powder,.

  16. Prepare Pinch : Ginger Powder,.

  17. Needed Pinch : Dried Mushroom Powder,.

  18. Prepare Pinch : Gochugaru,.

  19. Prepare 1 Stalk : Scallions,.

  20. Needed : Burger:.

  21. Needed : Sesame Oil, A Drizzle.

  22. Needed 2 Cloves : Crushed Garlic,.

  23. Prepare : Crushed Ginger, 1" Sliced Into Halves.

  24. Needed 2 Stalks : Crushed Scallion,.

  25. Needed 4 : Beyond Meat Burger Patties,.

  26. Needed 2 : King Oyster Mushrooms,.

  27. Prepare 4 : Vegan Burger Buns,.

  28. Prepare 1 Handful : Kimchi Finely Chopped,.

  29. Prepare 1 Handful : Scallions Finely Sliced,.

If all main ingredients Vegan Korean BBQ Burger it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with without fail.

Step by Step Cooking Vegan Korean BBQ Burger

  1. You can check out my previous vegan kimchi and vegan burger buns recipes..

  2. Prepare the kimchi ketchup. Blitz kimchi, ketchup, chili paste and maple syrup in a blender until smooth. Transfer into a bowl. Add nori flakes, lemon zest and juice. Mix until well combined. Taste and adjust for sweetness and spiciness. Set aside in the fridge until ready to use..

  3. Prepare the Korean bbq sauce. In a bowl, add maple syrup, soy sauce, wine, sesame oil, garlic, ginger, mushroom powder and gochugaru. Mix until well combined. Add in scallion. Set aside until ready to use..

  4. Prepare the burger. In a skillet over medium heat, drizzle some sesame oil. Once the oil is heated up, add in 2 patties. Add in the crushed garlic, 1/2" ginger and 1 stalk of scallion. You can crush them with a back of a knife..

  5. Brush the patties with the bbq sauce. Cook until the bottom is crispy brown. Flip and brush the patties with some more bbq sauce. Baste the patties with all the liquid. Cook until the bottom is crispy brown. Remove from heat and set aside on a plate with all the crushed aromatics..

  6. Brush the patties again with more bbq sauce. Repeat the steps for the remaining patties. By cooking the patties in batches will prevent overcrowding of the skillet, which will create steam rather than searing and cooking. Slice the mushroom lengthwise into 4 slices. You should have a total of 8 slices..

  7. In the same skillet, drizzle some sesame oil. Place in the mushroom slices. Again, you can do this in batches. Brush the mushrooms with bbq sauce. Cook until the bottom is lightly caramelized. Flip and brush with more bbq sauce..

  8. Slice burger buns into 3 tiers. Toast the buns in the same skillet. Once all the patties and mushrooms have been cooked, buns have been toasted, in the same skillet, pour in the remaining bbq sauce. Deglaze and reduce slightly until thick consistency. It should coat the back of a spoon. Remove from heat and transfer into a bowl..

  9. Assemble the burger. Smear kimchi ketchup on the bottom buns. Add some kimchi over the top. Place the patties over the kimchi and drizzle some reduced bbq sauce over the top. Scatter some scallions..

  10. Add on the 2nd tiers and smear on some more kimchi ketchup. Followed by 2 slices of mushrooms each. Drizzle some reduced bbq sauce over the top and some scallions. Close the top of the burger buns. Serve immediately..

That’s it method easy make with fast recipes Vegan Korean BBQ Burger, you also can look for more recipes culinary other interesting on page us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from culinary healthy easy, tasty, and nutritious to cuisine fatty, hard, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our website. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe Vegan Korean BBQ Burger.

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