Best Recipe BakedSamosa Delicious

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simple cooking recipe BakedSamosa with 26 ingredients and 9 stages of easy cooking, which is easy and delicious.

Without fail recipe ultimate Baked🌹Samosa easy, delicious, practical.


Good Afternoon mother, now you can present recipe Baked🌹Samosa with 26 ingredients and 9 steps. Next this is how to cook, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are some level that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and not is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 26 ingredients and 9 stages of easy cooking Baked🌹Samosa.

Ingredients all Baked🌹Samosa

  1. Needed For : Filling-.

  2. Needed 2 tbsp : Olive Oil.

  3. Prepare 2 : Boiled Mashed Potatoes.

  4. Prepare 1 cup : Boiled Green Peas.

  5. Needed Pinch : Hing.

  6. Prepare 2 : Green Chillies finely chopped.

  7. Needed 1 tsp : Ginger Garlic Paste.

  8. Needed 1 tsp : Aamchur Powder.

  9. Needed 1 tsp : Garam Masala.

  10. Prepare 1 tsp : Cumin Seed Powder.

  11. Needed 1 tsp : Red Chilly Powder.

  12. Needed 1 tsp : Coriander Powder.

  13. Needed as per taste : Salt.

  14. Needed 1 tbsp : Coriander Leaves Chopped.

  15. Prepare 1 Tbsp : Kasuri Methi.

  16. Needed for : Samosa-.

  17. Prepare 1 Cup : All Purpose Flour.

  18. Prepare 1/2 Cup : Yoghurt.

  19. Prepare 1/2 Tsp : Baking powder.

  20. Needed 1/2 Tsp : Salt.

  21. Needed 1/2 tsp : Powdered Sugar.

  22. Prepare Pinch : Baking Soda.

  23. Needed 1 tbsp : Olive Oil.

  24. Prepare for : Garnishing-.

  25. Needed As required : Pomegranate Seeds.

  26. Prepare As required : Curry leaves.

If all main ingredients Baked🌹Samosa it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with easy.

Process Cooking Baked🌹Samosa

  1. Assemble all the ingredients required..

  2. For Filling - Heat oil in a pan add Hing, green chilies, ginger-garlic paste, and saute for few seconds. Add Cumin seed powder, Garam Masala, Red Chilli Powder, Coriander Powder, Amchur Powder, and salt, sauté for a minute and mix well..

  3. Now add Mashed potatoes & Peas and cook well for few minutes, lastly add Kasuri Methi and chopped coriander leaves and leave it to cool down..

  4. 2.For Rose Samosa - In a bowl add maida, baking powder, baking soda, powdered sugar & salt, and mix well. Now add yogurt in batches and knead the dough. Add olive oil and incorporate well, dough should be super soft and not sticky..

  5. Rest the dough for about 30 minutes. After that divide it into eight equal parts..

  6. Now roll into not very thin chappati and fill the Samosa filling in middle. Give 5 cuts as shown below and shape your roses like this..

  7. Once all Samosa roses are ready coat it with butter and transfer it to a baking tray. Preheat microwave for 10 minutes and bake Samosa's for 40 minutes on 180°C..

  8. Samosas will be golden brown & Let them come to room temperature(so it becomes more crispy) and then serve..

  9. You can also bake them on Stove on Medium Flame for 40 minutes. Garnish it with pomegranate seeds and curry leaves & Serve Baked Rose Samosa with Mint Chutney..

That’s it how easy cook with fast recipes Baked🌹Samosa, you also do look for more recipes culinary other interesting on page us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from culinary healthy fast, tasty, and nutritious to cuisine fatty, hard, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our website. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe Baked🌹Samosa.

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