How To Cooking Recipe Puto Paw Delicious Steady

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This is how making recipe Puto Paw with 17 ingredients and 7 stages of easy cooking, which is fast and tasty.

Without fail recipe ultimate Puto Paw easy, delicious, practical.

Puto Paw

Hi mother, now you can cook recipe Puto Paw with 17 ingredients and 7 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are some levels that must be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand system start from beginning to culinary is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no appropriate desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 17 ingredients and 7 stages of easy cooking Puto Paw.

Ingredients for Puto Paw

  1. Prepare : Asado Filling.

  2. Needed 2 tbsp : cooking oil.

  3. Prepare 6 cloves : garlic.

  4. Needed 1 : medium onion.

  5. Prepare 1/2 kg : pork.

  6. Prepare 1/4 cup : soy sauce.

  7. Needed 2 tbsp : oyster sauce.

  8. Prepare 1/4 cup : brown sugar.

  9. Needed 2 tbsp : corn starch dissolve in ¼ cup water.

  10. Needed : Rice Cake.

  11. Needed 4 cups : all-purpose flour.

  12. Needed 1/2 cup : white sugar.

  13. Prepare 4 tbsp : baking powder.

  14. Needed 2 1/2 cup : water.

  15. Needed 1 cup : evap milk.

  16. Needed 1/4 cup : butter.

  17. Prepare 2 pcs : salted duck egg.

If all ingredients Puto Paw it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to serving with fast.

Step by Step Cooking Puto Paw

  1. In a large pan over medium heat, add the cooking oil, sauté the garlic and onion until soft and translucent. Add the pork and cook for 7 minutes or until lightly brown..

  2. Add the soy sauce, oyster sauce and brown sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Simmer for 2-3 minutes..

  3. Pour the cornstarch mixture then season with salt and pepper. Simmer for 1 minute or until the sauce thickened. Remove from the pan, let it cool and set aside..

  4. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, sugar, butter and milk. Gradually add the water while continuously stirring until well blended..

  5. Prepare the molders and grease with vegetable oil or melted butter. Pour about 1 tablespoon of batter mixture on each mold..

  6. Then, put a teaspoonful of asado filling on each mold. Add some more batter up to ¾ full and top with a slice of salted duck egg..

  7. Place in a steamer basket and steam for 10-15 minutes over boiling water. Remove from the steamer and let it cool for 10 minutes. Gently loosen the Puto Pao from mold and serve..

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