Unique Recipe Pan Baked Fruit Jam Tart Yummy

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The new way making recipe Pan Baked Fruit Jam Tart with 6 ingredients and 6 stages of easy cooking, which is easy simple.

Without fail recipe ultimate Pan Baked Fruit Jam Tart easy, yummy, practical.

Pan Baked Fruit Jam Tart

How are you mother, now you get cook recipe Pan Baked Fruit Jam Tart with 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Below this is how to cook, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are some stages that must be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand how to start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and not is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 6 ingredients and 6 stages of easy cooking Pan Baked Fruit Jam Tart.

Ingredients all Pan Baked Fruit Jam Tart

  1. Prepare : flour.

  2. Prepare : margarine/ butter.

  3. Prepare : sugar/ icing sugar.

  4. Needed : egg yolks.

  5. Needed : egg yolk for egg wash.

  6. Prepare : Any fruit jam (I use St.Dalfour Fig Jam).

If all ingredients Pan Baked Fruit Jam Tart it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to making with fast.

Stages Cooking Pan Baked Fruit Jam Tart

  1. Beat margarine/ butter until soft, then add on sugar, beat again until soft..

  2. Add on the egg yolks, beat again until mixed well and soft..

  3. Add on the flour, stir well. Knead until form dough and not sticky..

  4. Keep in the fridge ± 10 mins.

  5. Take 1 tablespoon dough, fill with jam, and make any shape you desire (I did round shape because easy 😁).

  6. Pre heat pan in low temperature ± 15 mins and lay the tarts into, then egg wash the top. Cover the lid, bake ±30 mins in low heat (I use induction cooker, deep fry mode, 100°C temperature).

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