Without Fail Making Recipe FrenchStyle Chocolate Sandwich Cookies Delicious

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The new way cooking recipe FrenchStyle Chocolate Sandwich Cookies with 8 ingredients and 25 stages of easy cooking, which is most delicious.

Without fail cooking ultimate French-Style Chocolate Sandwich Cookies easy, tasty, practical.

French-Style Chocolate Sandwich Cookies

Good Morning every body, now you get prepare recipe French-Style Chocolate Sandwich Cookies with 8 ingredients and 25 steps. Next this is how to cook, please pay attention carefully.

In cooking there are some level that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand system start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 8 ingredients and 25 stages of easy cooking French-Style Chocolate Sandwich Cookies.

Ingredients for French-Style Chocolate Sandwich Cookies

  1. Prepare : Margarine.

  2. Prepare : Sugar.

  3. Prepare : Egg white.

  4. Needed : drops Vanilla oil (vanilla extract).

  5. Needed : Pancake mix.

  6. Needed : Ganache cream:.

  7. Prepare : Chocolate bar.

  8. Prepare : Heavy cream.

If all ingredients French-Style Chocolate Sandwich Cookies it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to preparing with without fail.

Stages Cooking French-Style Chocolate Sandwich Cookies

  1. Bring egg whites to room temperature. Add margarine to a fairly large bowl and whisk until creamy..

  2. Add sugar and mix well..

  3. Then add egg whites in about 5 batches. Mix with each addition..

  4. Add the vanilla oil and whisk lightly..

  5. Also add the pancake mix..

  6. Using a rubber spatula, blend ingredients until even. Preheat oven at 170℃..

  7. Put the batter in an icing bag with a plain tip. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, squeeze the batter out into about 2 cm in diameter..

  8. *After you insert the plain tip, do not cut the edge of the icing bag until all the batter goes in. It's easier to add the batter if you fold back the bag..

  9. *Simply use a spoon if you don't have any icing bags..

  10. Bake for approximately 10 minutes at 170℃. Turn the temperature down to 150℃ and bake for 2 more minutes. Prepare hot water..

  11. Make the ganache cream. Finely break the chocolate bar into a bowl. Melt in a double broiler..

  12. Also warm the heavy cream in a double broiler..

  13. Add a third of the warm cream to the melted chocolate. Mix well. It becomes lumpy, but you can keep on mixing until it gets glossy..

  14. Then add a half of the remaining cream. Continue to mix thoroughly..

  15. Finally add the rest of the cream, and mix fully..

  16. You're done with the ganache cream when the cream is evenly smoothed out..

  17. When the biscuits are done, take out immediately from the oven. Remove parchment paper from the baking sheet and set aside to cool. Flip over to cool down some more..

  18. *I used an icing bag for this one!.

  19. *This one was made with a spoon!.

  20. Use a spoon to top a biscuit with ganache cream..

  21. Sandwich the chocolate with another biscuit, and repeat for all the others..

  22. Done!.

  23. With the leftover egg yolks, you could even make French Toast []


  1. You can make Easy Baked Pudding with leftover heavy cream? [].

  2. Here's a pasta dish made with leftover egg yolks and heavy cream. How about some Spaghetti Carbonara? []


That’s it method easy cook with rapid recipes French-Style Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, you also do look for more recipes culinary other interesting on page us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from cuisine healthy fast, tasty, and nutritious to cuisine fatty, hard, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our page. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe French-Style Chocolate Sandwich Cookies.

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