Update, Prepare Recipe Rasmalai Restaurant Style

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The new way making recipe Rasmalai with 12 ingredients and 13 stages of easy cooking, which is very easy.

Without fail cooking ultimate Rasmalai easy, fast, practical.


Hi mother, at this time you get present recipe Rasmalai with 12 ingredients and 13 steps. Next this is how to prepare, please pay attention carefully.

In cooking there are several stages that must be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand how to start from beginning to culinary is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not appropriate desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 12 ingredients and 13 stages of easy cooking Rasmalai.

Ingredients for Rasmalai

  1. Prepare 1 litre : milk.

  2. Needed 1-2 tbsp : lemon juice or vinegar.

  3. Needed 5-6 cup : ice water or cubes.

  4. Needed : (For syrup):-.

  5. Prepare 1 cup : sugar.

  6. Needed 3 cup : water.

  7. Prepare 1 tsp : cardamom powder.

  8. Prepare : (To make Rabri):-.

  9. Prepare 3 cup : full fat milk.

  10. Needed 1/2 cup : sugar.

  11. Prepare Pinch : saffron (Optional).

  12. Prepare : Pistachio sliced(pista).

If all material requirements Rasmalai it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to cooking with relaxing.

Step by Step Cooking Rasmalai

  1. (Thickened milk For Rasmalai):- Take heavy bottom pan add 3 cups milk and boil. When the milk boil add sugar. Reduced flame to medium stir every 2-3 minutes..

  2. Boil until the milk thickens and reduces to half quantity. Set aside to cool..

  3. Cool half of this and half chill in the fridge..

  4. (Make chenna):- Bring 5 cup milk to a boil in a pan flame off. Add lemon juice or vinegar stirring until the milk curdled completely. After this add chilled water and icecubes to the pan keep aside for 5 minutes..

  5. Drain to a muslin cloth. Pour fresh water rinse well. Wrap the Cheena in the cloth, squeeze off excess water and make a knot..

  6. Hang for 1 hour for the drain off..

  7. (Kneading chenna):- Transfer chenna to a plate knead well until smooth..

  8. Make 12 equal balls and flatten them..

  9. (Sugar syrup):- 3 cup of water boil with 1 cup sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves completely. Add cardamom powder. When syrup begins to boil add cheena discs cook covered for 10 minutes on high flame..

  10. Turn off. Remove the pan. Keep the lid closed for 15 minutes..

  11. (Assembling Rasmalai):- Take off the cheena discs to a plate and cool them. Squeeze them gently in between your palms to remove sugar syrup..

  12. Add these to the half warm thickened milk(rabri) Rest them 3-4 hours, pour the other half chilled rabri to this before serving..

  13. Garnish Rasmalai with pistachios and serve..

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