Easy Cooking Recipe Besan Pizza A dessert pizza with crunchy twist Delicious Simple

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practical, how cooking recipe Besan Pizza A dessert pizza with crunchy twist with 12 ingredients and 5 stages of easy cooking, which is fast and tasty.

Without fail recipe ultimate Besan Pizza - A dessert pizza with crunchy twist easy, fast, practical.

Besan Pizza - A dessert pizza with crunchy twist

Good Morning all, now you get cook recipe Besan Pizza - A dessert pizza with crunchy twist with 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Below this is how to prepare, please carefully carefully.

In cooking there are some levels that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and tasted. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste not suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 12 ingredients and 5 stages of easy cooking Besan Pizza - A dessert pizza with crunchy twist.

Ingredients all Besan Pizza - A dessert pizza with crunchy twist

  1. Prepare : besan.

  2. Needed : ghee or as required.

  3. Prepare : coconut powder.

  4. Prepare : milk powder.

  5. Needed : roasted vermicelli.

  6. Prepare : Some chopped nuts.

  7. Needed : milk.

  8. Needed : sugar or as per sweetness.

  9. Prepare : cardamom powder.

  10. Needed : For garnishing.

  11. Prepare : Some almonds,pistachio flakes, cherries.

  12. Needed : crumbled paneer.

If all material requirements Besan Pizza - A dessert pizza with crunchy twist it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to preparing with relaxing.

Process Cooking Besan Pizza - A dessert pizza with crunchy twist

  1. Heat a pan with ghee..Add besan and roast till golden brown..On low flame..

  2. Add milk powder, roasted vermicelli, coconut powder, Cardamom powder…And mix…

  3. Add milk,sugar and mix till well combined… Switch off the flame…

  4. Now pour this mixture into round shaped plate or mould.. pat it nicely(.Place butter paper in bottom so it will easily come out)..Let it set completely.. Spread some Poppy seeds (optional).

  5. Decorate it of ur choice.. Enjoy yummy besan pizza dessert…

Like that formula easy make with set recipes Besan Pizza - A dessert pizza with crunchy twist, you also can look for more recipes cuisine other interesting on website us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from cuisine healthy easy, tasty, and nutritious to culinary fatty, difficult, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our page. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe Besan Pizza - A dessert pizza with crunchy twist.

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