Ultimate Prepare Recipe Sour Chilli potato sweet turmeric paneer Veg Delicious Simple

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Without Fail cooking recipe Sour Chilli potato sweet turmeric paneer Veg with 27 ingredients and 13 stages of easy cooking, which is very easy.

Without fail recipe ultimate Sour Chilli potato & sweet turmeric paneer (Veg) easy, bouncy, practical.

Sour Chilli potato & sweet turmeric paneer (Veg)

Hi my mother, at this time you get prepare recipe Sour Chilli potato & sweet turmeric paneer (Veg) with 27 ingredients and 13 steps. Next this is how to prepare, please observe carefully.

In cooking there are some stages that should be done, starting to prepare ingredients, cooking tools, and also understand method start from beginning to cooking is ready to be served and enjoyed. Make sure you has enough time and no is thinking about something else, because will cause the food to burn, taste no suitable desired, and many others. Immediately, below are 27 ingredients and 13 stages of easy cooking Sour Chilli potato & sweet turmeric paneer (Veg).

Ingredients for Sour Chilli potato & sweet turmeric paneer (Veg)

  1. Prepare : Dried chilli potato.

  2. Prepare : small white potatoes.

  3. Needed : Cobram garlic & rosemary olive oil.

  4. Prepare : white onion.

  5. Needed : red onion.

  6. Prepare : Garlic.

  7. Needed : Salt.

  8. Needed : Paprika.

  9. Prepare : Dried chilli.

  10. Prepare : Coriander powder.

  11. Prepare : Ground ginger.

  12. Needed : Tarragon.

  13. Needed : Cinnamon.

  14. Prepare : Nutmeg.

  15. Prepare : Allspice.

  16. Prepare : Juice of 1/2 lime/lemon.

  17. Prepare : Sweet turmeric paneer.

  18. Needed : Cobram garlic and ginger olive oil.

  19. Needed : white onion.

  20. Needed : raw sugar.

  21. Prepare : cinnamon.

  22. Prepare : nutmeg.

  23. Needed : Turmeric (2 tbsp).

  24. Prepare : Lemongrass.

  25. Prepare : coconut cream.

  26. Prepare : Couple of squeezes of lime.

  27. Prepare : paneer.

If all material requirements Sour Chilli potato & sweet turmeric paneer (Veg) it’s ready, We’re going into the cooking stage. Below is how to cooking with relaxing.

Step by Step Cooking Sour Chilli potato & sweet turmeric paneer (Veg)

  1. DRIED CHILLI POTATO: Peel, cut, boil & strain potatoes.

  2. Add oil to pan and heat (I use Cobram olive oil; it's good &, not cut with any vegetable or damaging oils).

  3. Add garlic and bring to sizzle.

  4. Add white onion (1/2) then red onion (1/2) and stir/toss.

  5. Add potatoes & salt, mixing slowly to avoid crushing soft potatoes for about a minute.

  6. Add paprika, dried chilli, coriander powder, ground ginger, tarragon, cinnamon, nutmeg & allspice them mix gently and let fry (turn on your oven to 180° and line your tray with foil and let it heat up in the oven).

  7. As the mix browns (the potatoes might be pretty soft) add some lime juice and let cook for a few more minutes.

  8. Pop the potatoes from the pan into the tray and turn up your oven to about 250° and let bake for about 10mins or until desired (best to check every 5-6 minutes just in case, it burns quickly).

  9. SWEET TURMERIC PANEER: Add oil & bring to heat.

  10. Add white onion, cinnamon, sugar, nutmeg, turmeric & lemongrass; cook til soft.

  11. Add coconut cream and stir till silky, add paprika and stir in then let simmer on low heat for a few minutes before adding in a couple of squeezes of lime.

  12. Add paneer and let cook on low for about 5-10 minutes (allows paneer to soften as well as thickening up the curry).

  13. Can serve with side salad and/or rice, bread, naan etc (fyi the serving size in the image is pretty generous).

Like that method easy cook with practice recipes Sour Chilli potato & sweet turmeric paneer (Veg), you also do look for more recipes cuisine other interesting on website us, available thousands of various recipes world food and we will continue to add and develop. Starting from culinary healthy easy, tasty, and nutritious to culinary fatty, hard, spicy, sweet, salty acid is on our site. Thank you for reading the ultimate recipe Sour Chilli potato & sweet turmeric paneer (Veg).

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